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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This purple glass quiver is open on both ends and doesn't have a strap. While attuned to it, the quiver floats comfortably within your reach whenever you place it against your body. While attuned to the quiver, you're immune to the banishment spell and similar magic that would transport you to another plane of existence against your will.

The quiver also functions as an efficient quiver. The first time you hit a target on each of your turns using a piece of ammunition or a weapon drawn from the quiver, that target takes an extra 1d12 force damage from the attack.

In addition, you can use an action to cast either the blink or dimension door spell from the quiver while it's on your person. When you cast blink in this way, you can see up to 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane and can attack targets there as if they were on your current plane of existence for the duration. Once the quiver has been used to cast a spell, it can’t be used to cast that spell again until the next dawn.

The baron had learned how to rule the small countryside through the one trick he had retained: displacing problems via magic, teleporting any opposition far away. Out of sight, out of mind, he would always say. When the hunter returned with a new fair quiver on her hip, the older man recognized the burning orange eyes that had demanded he stop his conquest.

“You survived your trip Vyra, I’m surprised, and got yourself a cute little gift."

"A gift from the Red Queen, one she was happy to give me in exchange for your head."

"Well, let me know if you find a belt that goes with it.” The spell was quick, the sigil woven in the air before either could blink, but nothing happened, the quiver shimmering as the magic was negated. A second, third attempt, each arcane word falling upon deaf ears.

“I like yours, my lord.” The hunter approached, snapping her cloak's clasp in half, causing an elegant longbow to appear in her hand, the other drawing a hissing arrow from the quiver. “I think I’ll take it.”



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