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Lightkeeper Crane closed the book, day's last breeze rustling their hair. Ascending the amphitheater's outer wall and resting on the arc of their staff, they gazed down to see pallid faces, spawn around a master, fangs bared at Crane.

"Welcome. What seek you among records of the dead?"

Composed, the vampire replied, "You know the secrets we seek."

"No time for pleasantries with an elder?"

"We have all night, aging one. We…"

He was stopped by Crane's serene smile, now lit as an orb appeared on their staff and they said, "You misunderstand this place. It is where the dead rest."

The orb leapt into their midst before the spawn could act, its glow now searing radiance.

The vampire barely evaded what was now a circle of dust, skidding as burning light lanced through his heart.

Night's first wind swept past Crane as they turned their back on ash-strewn silence.



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