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Wondrous item, legendary

This messenger bag is linked to an extraplanar garden. You can use an action to pull a seed from the bag and place or throw it at a target or point that you can see within 30 feet of you. Alternatively, you can pull a seed from the bag when you make a ranged attack with a sling, using the seed as a sling bullet once on each of your turns. You choose which seed to draw from the bag each time; each one has an effect that triggers upon impact. A seed's effect is centered at the point of impact or at a point of your choice within 5 feet of the target it hits, unless otherwise specified. A seed's effect fails if there isn't a point on the ground within 5 feet of the point of impact or target. At the end of a seed's duration, it turns to a small pile of fertile soil.

The following seeds can be pulled from the duffel. Up to 5 seeds can be pulled from the duffel in this way each day, regaining all expended seeds daily at dawn.

  • Bamboo Colonnade. A dense copse of bamboo erupts from the ground in a 5-foot-radius cylinder that's up to 60 feet tall. Its area is heavily obscured, and it provides total cover. Any creature in the area when it appears is pushed to an adjacent unoccupied space and must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d10 piercing damage. The bamboo has AC 17, 60 hit points, and is vulnerable to fire damage. It lasts for 1 hour or until it's reduced to 0 hit points.
  • Haze Bloom. When the seed impacts, you dissolve into mist and reappear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the point.
  • Mossglove. The seed grows into an animal woven from reeds and covered in soft moss. It takes the form of a beast of challenge rating 1 or lower and appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the point of impact. You choose the form in which it takes. If the beast normally has a flying speed, this one doesn't. It's considered a plant, is vulnerable to fire damage, and is friendly to you and your companions. The animal obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you) and takes its turn immediately after yours. If you don't issue any commands, it defends itself from hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no actions. The animal remains for 1 hour, until it's reduced to 0 hit points, or until this seed is used again.
  • Seismycelium. Mycelium weaves through the ground in a 20-foot cube. When a creature other than you enters this area or moves inside it, the mycelium bursts: destroying itself and blasting debris outward. Each creature within 10 feet of the cube must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d12 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The mycelium lasts for 1 hour if it isn't triggered.
  • Twisting Thistle. This seed replicates the effects of the entangle spell (save DC 17), centered on the seed, with the following change: a creature restrained by the weeds and vines takes 2d6 piercing damage from the plants' thorns at the start of each of its turns.

Sovereign Synergy. If you have a sovereignseed satchel, you can use an action to transplant one of its seeds to the duffel. If you spend at least 1 hour per day for the next 7 days tending to the seed, it takes root and is added to the sovereignseed duffel's seed options. If the transplanted seed has a saving throw, its DC is increased to 17. Only one transplanted seed can grow in the duffel at a time, which can be removed with 8 hours of work.

The elk prince, born of wild, was born to wane. So his mothers formed a world out of the world where he could care for woods that were gentle—more garden than wilderness—hiding his name even from themselves that none may call. Yet the growing prince felt a pull beyond that chamber.

With the velvet of his horns, he sewed satchels imbued with wild heart. Though many were lost, some came to those of his same untamed will, rendered invaluable. He felt their stories' resonate, heady moments of growth and conflict.

But a grateful few sent their tales through this silent patron's link. Touched in solitude, the prince drew his cloak, molding leather with the leaves of his home into wildness tempered by his realm's touch—a favor for vassals who'd borne his gift with wit, closer than the kin who forged his verdant cell.



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