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Weapon (sickle), rare

This crescent sickle has a brass fox figurine embedded in its ivory handle. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which has the finesse property. Whenever you make an attack with this weapon using a bonus action, you have advantage on the attack roll.

Tarry, said Rabbit to Fox, what business have you here?

Truth, said Fox, I merely call.

Call on who, with vicious fangs?

You wound me, friend, notice you that first?

Truth, but no. It would be your rough claws.

I know you lie, my claws are away. True, what notice you first?

Pardon, said Rabbit, abashed. Your marvelous tail, its hue, its shine. What did you to make it so entrancing?

I was born to it, to bring forgetfulness that a thing so fine is second to tooth and claw.

But the Rabbit heard not the answer, for he had borne final witness to fox's words.




Trying to think of ways to attack with this as a BA. So far all I've got is with Two Weapon Fighting


Arcane Fighters get to attack with bonus actions after using a cantrip but that's post level 7. Maybe a feat I'm not thinking of atm?


Yeah, it's obviously designed for two-weapon fighting. I honestly don't know any character that fights with a sickle in their off-hand, so this weapon doesn't work for our campaign. Turn it into a dagger instead, and then we've got something useful.