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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Tapestry Cloak  — A cloak that you can flourish while standing against a solid surface to transform yourself into a hung tapestry or laid out rug. You can choose the appearance of the tapestry or rug.

2)  Soul Anchor Quiver  — A purple glass quiver that remains magically fixed to your back or side after attuning. While attuned, you can't be affected by spells that would forcibly move you to different planes of existence. Arrows drawn from the quiver deal bonus psychic damage. You can spend charges to cast blink, contact other plane, dimension door, or forbiddence.

3)  Domclavis  — A brass key decorated with the image of an elegant door. Once per day, you can place the key inside a keyhole and cast magnificent mansion, using the doorway as your entrance. Those not designated as guests will find the door leads to where it should normally go.

4)  Calligrapher's Shade  — A pen used by a calligrapher who specialized in lifelike tattoos. You gain a bonus to relevant ability checks when using this pen, and if you are proficient with calligrapher's supplies can use the pen to give yourself a tattoo which can separate from your body, replicating the effects of find familiar. The created familiar is an ooze and when dismissed returns to being an animated tattoo on your body.

5)  Gelstone Charm  — A strange gel-like gem fitted to a clasp. The clasp can be locked onto the corpse of a tiny beast , transforming it into a gelatinous version of the beast. The gem reforms a few days after the gelatinous beast has been slain.

6)  Ballroom Breaker  — An elegant ballroom mask that grants a bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks made between dusk and dawn, and can be used to magically create and wear a formal outfit at any time.

7)  Mobius Scroll  — A scroll that requires a wisdom saving throw to use, and once successful links two locations for creatures to freely teleport between for a duration or until the effect is ended.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!


Christopher Lee

Lots of neat ideas this week! Which to vote for...