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Hey everyone!

As the final stretch goal of the first Kickstarter, I partnered with the famed DMDave to create this epic tier four adventure. In it, you're given the task of seeing to Hearth's development, but also put on a quest that will take you across the Elemental Planes to save the world from a looming cataclysm.

If you haven't seen the previous Hearth installments, check them out here:

This adventure treads a lot of new ground, and the DMDave team put an incredible amount of work into this happen. At this stage of the game, players are virtually god-like themselves, so creating appropriate challenges for them is a challenge all on its own!

This PDF has 105 pages of raw story, plus over 30 pages of new monster stat blocks. That's a lot of world saving!

  • Save Hearth (again) and see to its success with in-depth Settlement Management!
  • Rescue Criir, the Astral Griffon from a deep, shadowy prison!
  • Recover powerful artifacts from the Elemental Planes!
  • Save the world from the Convergence!

Download everything you need below, and remember: keep on adventuring!




Is there supposed to be a map for the Realm of Shadows?


Just saying that there is alot of text missing. The effect that the allies are under for one thing. A bit sad. I love the whole Hearth story line but its not really loved by the creators in seems. The first one has alot of stuff missing aswell