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Music d20 is the music option for RPG campaigns. Did you get to listen to the music in the Borough Bound release earlier over the break? Same person! Will Savino is a top-tier musician with a diverse and incredible history of content, both personally and professionally. In my home, Will has become a household name, and I hope the same can be true for you around your game table!

Hey all! Will Savino here. I run a Patreon called Music d20 where I've released almost 300 RPG tracks to help you score your tabletop RPG sessions. Today I'm bringing you a pair of tracks perfect for thrilling fights with demonic entities. "The Fiend Approaches" comes in two styles:

1. (Stealth) is the lead-in, where either you're hiding the from the creature, or the creature is hiding from you.

2. (Combat) is for when all hell breaks loose and the party is forced to confront the beast.

If you like these tracks, I've got oodles and oodles more RPG music waiting for you. You can grab everything from peaceful monasteries to wild west saloons, frigid peaks, epic conquest, and moody sleuthing.

My Patreon is now mostly defunct, but if you sign up today at the $5 dollar tier, you can grab ALL of my RPG tracks, and then just bail! No hard feelings! That's like... a few pennies per track. A good deal, in my opinion. I've got variant tracks, looping tracks, Foundry modules, Spotify playlists, you name it! Plus, if you don't like dealing in loose mp3s, my music is all over the web. Just search "Will Savino" or "Music d20" in Spotify, Bandcamp, Youtube, or wherever else you listen to music.



Will Savino

Thanks Griff! If anyone has questions, feel free to reply to this comment!


Can confirm the music is great! Love how diverse the selection is and it really sets the mood!