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Borough Bound is a talented, passionate team of writers, musicians, map makers, and game designers that come together to create fully realized settings each month. I can say with confidence that the content from Borough Bound has inspired me to play D&D more than virtually any force has before.

We are Borough Bound, creators of fully-realized RPG cities for your tabletop campaigns.

Why fall back on the same drab fantasy town with the same tavern, the same blacksmith, and the same handful of quest givers over and over again? Designing villages, towns, and metropolises takes a ton of prep work, and crafting a memorable locale is no easy feat. You need unique and cohesive cities for your campaigns, and we've got you covered.

We release massive RPG cities for you to either drag and drop into your campaigns or plunder for inspiration. Each city comes with comprehensive and seamless maps, PDFs full of illustrations and NPCs and quests, VTT tokens, Foundry modules, and original music to help bring the cities to life. 

For Griff's lovely patrons, we bring you the first out of 8 (!) releases from our city of Ancora Bay. This massive sinking port city is a den of piracy, capitalist oligarchs, and military occupiers. Patrons get over a dozen original tracks, a massive [100x70] tile map, nearly 100 pages of lore and quests, and oodles of bonus content. If you want to explore the entire city of Ancora Bay, please consider checking out our quickly growing Patreon.

Plus, if you sign up now, you can get a permanent 30% discount on our premier tier, which includes all of the maps, music, PDFs, and VTT content. Act quickly, because we won't be running this deal forever!



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