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With her things packed by her family home, the girl held the bright marble close. Her father called it trivial—her mother's kin, the D'elans, had a lot like that—but holding it, she felt like herself, and… just a bit of her mother's warmth. Sent away from home alone, she'd need it.

She turned at a tap on her shoulder to see a skittish boy roughly her age. Smiling, she nodded at him.

"Would you be… Holly D'elan? I'm here to help you find our caravan."

He examined her luggage doubtfully as she considered him: he was a head shorter than her and a bit… wispy. Reassuringly, she said "Don't worry, I'll get it."

Palming the orb, she focused its pulse inward, her silent spell's strength spilling into her as she hoisted the cases; fascinated, the boy fell in beside her. As they walked, Holly asked; "You know me, so it's fair I get your name, right?"

"Oh, sorry! I'm Oscar. Oscar Rove."



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