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Heroes, new and old! Struggling to find your rewards? Below, you can find links to find exactly what you're looking for. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message here or on Discord!

$5+ Rewards

The basic Ledger saves you from having to scroll to find what you're looking for: it's an always-updated text compendium (with art and card links!) of every item ever made. Perfect for a Ctrl/Cmd + F quick search to find that one item.


Art posts have the original and variant files that include the art with and without labels and backgrounds for you to use in your games!

Get the Art Files

Similar to the art files, you can filter the posts page to search for only the cards. Remember to use the Ledger to help you find the ones you're looking for! Printing a bunch? Get the card packs instead: monthly .zip files of each card released over the course of the past month!

Get the Cards

Download the Bulk Card Packs

Want your new cards match the old designs? You can download a template for Photoshop, as well as the original card backing, in this post to help ensure all your cards continue to match!

Discord rewards are automatic: you can start participating in the patron-only channels right away! You can also use the Discord bot to search through the library of items by getting permission for it in the #avrae-pack-access channel! Just ask!

Settings and Subclasses are released at the end of each month and include either a subclass or playable race. These are setting agnostic by design, include lore, mechanics, monsters, and adventure hooks, making them super easy to add to your existing world! You can find all of these settings here:

Get the Settings! 

Get all the Subclasses! 

Psst! Legendary Heroes have their names included in the credits of these releases! Sweet!

$9+ Rewards

The Ledger+ is the most advanced compendium for every item ever made from the Saddlebag. Easily search, sort, and save items by name, type, rarity, and more, and browse them across your internet-connected devices. You just need to log in using a Magic Link, which is sent from L+ to your email address, and then connect your L+ profile to your Patreon one through the Account menu. The whole process takes less than 30 seconds!


For technical support, please feel free to send me a message here on Patreon or leave a message on the Discord. We'll get you sorted out!

Please note that Patreon's API can be a little slow on the first day or two of the month, so your access times can vary on those days. In general, logging out, clearing your cache, and logging back in fixes 99% of any problems we've encountered so far.

The last three months of Foundry VTT rewards can be found here:


For previous months' content, you can order them separately through the web shop! Remember that you get a 33% discount code in this post as a $13 patron, so it might be worth the Patreon upgrade when buying older Foundry content!

The Inventory is updated at the end of every month features a DMG-like searchable .pdf of every item ever made:


The Looter's Table is a spreadsheet that's also updated monthly! Completely searchable, including links to the art and card files, and allows you to search and filter by rarities (including major and minor), attunement, item types, and more.


$13 Rewards

First, thank you so much for your generosity. You're a rock star and I am so grateful for your support. Honest.

Your name will appear in the end credits in each month's setting document. These new settings are released at the end of each month, and so long as you're a patron at this tier, your name will be in it! It's because of heroes like you that this content is possible, so your place in the credits is rightfully earned.

If you're looking for your 33% discount code to use on the web shop when buying older Foundry VTT modules, you can find it here:


If you're on the Discord server, you'll also be able to access the exclusive #hall-of-heroes channel! This channel is for generous supporters like you, and your place here will be shared with others as incredible as you. Welcome!

Thank you for your support!

As always, heroes, you blow me away with your support, enthusiasm, and kindness. Thank you so, so much for being here and helping me bring this content to you and thousands of others around the world. You're my heroes, and I will always be grateful for you.

Keep on adventuring!




I'm new where on discord do I submit new ideas

Danny Ryba

Hey there! I just joined but when I access the Ledger+, it only seems to display '210 of 1235 items'. I tried to reconnect my account but it did not change anything.


Hey Danny! Hopefully you've gotten it working by now! If not, shoot me a message and we'll get it fixed up! Thanks for the support!

Danny Ryba

Yep, it did start working on a different computer, so I've just been using that one for now

Ryan Rogers

This is a fun one! Really great item, modified for my table as follows: - Attunement requires Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock so that the party doesn't go all counterspell happy (since these classes get Counterspell, as well as a few Paladin subclasses but we'll ignore those lol). - The dark gemstone has a an imprisoned Beholder used to power the eye beams. You see where this is going... :-) - Upon expending the last charge, roll 1d20. On a 1, the dark gemstone cracks, releasing the beholder which appears in nearby space. He's not happy. :-P Additionally, the eye beams property (only) ceases to function going forward. - When expending 2 or 3 charges for the eye beams, re-roll duplicates. As such, you get unique beams per usage.

Joey Lanuza

Will there ever be a chance to purchase only packs of the subclasses/races for Foundry?


Hey Joey! Those are typically saved for Book modules, but I'm looking into the level of effort to have them done for the megapacks!

Joey Lanuza

The book packs make it impossible for me as I own all but year 1 content. It would be buying twice for just a small portion of the item. Oh well.

Joey Lanuza

In my foundry, I'm missing several packs I should have access to. Most of 2022, in fact. What's a solution to this?


In the loot tables, what's the distinction between Table B and Table F (or C vs G, etc)? In one the entries for the "Sub" column is a capital M, in the other it's a lower m, other than that I'm not sure what it could be.


Hello! I just signed up to the Esteemed Hero tier. How often are items released for Foundry VTT? I saw the Jan 22/21 items were made available recently and was curious about unlocking more.


Monthly updates like the Foundry bundle and compendium updates are typically done in the first 7 days of the month! Hang tight!

Sam Moore

Hello! Is there any digital version of the Loot Tables from the book? As in alternatives to Magic Item Table A using your items?


You can use the loot table generator from the Ledger+! The icon in the upper left corner of the item table there lets you generate tables from all items or just the ones in your selected Stash!

Adam Kepes-Vegh

Hello! The settings link seems to just take me back to the staring page...anybody experiencing the same?