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Hey heroes!

At the start of each month, this post will be updated with the newest manifest link, allowing you to easily install the last 3 months' items in Foundry VTT. These items have been carefully converted so that they're ready for your online games!

If you don't feel like waiting for this backlog, you can get every item from years 1-3 on the web shop! If you do, you may want to consider becoming a $13 patron just for now so you can make the most of the 33% discount code that comes with that pledge! You can always move back to the $9 tier again afterward!

Each pack of content only requires the "Dynamic Active Effects" (DAE) mod. Optionally, the following two mods can add some expanded functionality to this content. You can install these optional mods, as well as this Saddlebag content, all from the Install Module window.

  • “Midi Quality of Life Improvements” (midi-qol), by Tim Posney: expanded DAE support. (Git page)

  • “Magic Items” by Paweł Kucia: added spell support on items that enable casting of spells (Git page)

Please paste the URLs below into the Manifest field in Foundry VTT to install the module.

When installing a new module, paste the link below into the Manifest field, found at the bottom of the Install Module window. If there are ever updates to the module, the revised version will be automatically downloaded. Please also remember to install the DAE mod through the same window in order to use these items.

April 2024


May 2024


June 2024




Aaron Simrell

Just downloaded the April pack, it has a duplicate of every item. Is there something I am missing or just a mistake? Wasn't sure if they were different versions or something.


It says that there is an error "unable to load valid world manifest"


Hmm! Maybe reach out on the Discord for help there. There's a great community that's awesome at troubleshooting stuff like this!


Heya! Quick question - would it be possible to have the images attached to the items in the Foundry packs to be the ones without names on the art? Tend to want them to not know the name of the item until identified, while still able to show the art :) Have replaced them manually so far with the art files


Hey Arteroc! I use the 800px resolution images to keep loading down, since the size difference between the two sizes is somewhat noteable. I think your usecase is in a minority (although I agree it's very very cool), and in general I stick with the usecases that work for general players. Hopefully it's an easy swap for you, though!


I just wanted to point out (if it's a typo) your January says 2023 but your link says 2024.

Joseph Joffe

I have a funny issue that might be specific to my setup, but thought I'd ask anyway ... I'm still running one active game on a Foundry v10.3 server (while we are moving everything over to a new server setup on v11), and I can't install any of the monthly modules. It keeps giving me an error message saying that v11 is required. I tested, and even the links to modules from way back in 2021 are giving the same error. I asked about this in the Foundry Discord, and the folks there say it might be an issue with 'the module incorrectly pointing to the newest release". Is this something that can be fixed? Or am I just stuck until we move everything to the new server and Foundy v11?


Hey Joseph! Sorry I didn't see this til now! I know that my Foundry converter is very active and attentive to versions for these, so he tries to keep them all up to date! However, before I say "You'll need v11," I do think you can bring this up on the Saddlebag discord (saddleb.ag/discord) and get an answer directly from the converter there about it.

Frank Albers

With "Dynamic after effects" (DAE), do you mean "Dynamic active effects" DAE?


That is indeed a slight typo—the popular module DAE "Dynamic active effects" is the module that these item packs are designed to work with.


Hi, I'm not sure if there is an issue with my Foundry but I can't use any of these modules as the DAE mod just isn't showing up in the VTT.


Hi! If you're having a hard time finding the module for installation, the git page is: https://gitlab.com/tposney/dae. If you're struggling to find it in your world to enable, it should be "Dynamic Active Effects". Any issues beyond that and the Foundry discord can help you


Hello! I’m new here. How early in the month is this post updated for the prior month’s items? Thanks!


Hey Criag! Just getting it now. Monthly perks like this are typically updated within the first week of the month. Thanks for your patience and support!


Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I know you’re busy! Love the content!


When can we expect December and January packs to arrive?

Joey Lanuza

I've had a few instances of my computer eating itself and needing to be replaced. In the event of such a thing happening, are we able to recover the packs that we unlocked while being a patron? Or is it an issue of "Tough luck, gotta buy it now"?


Noticed the text of the hyperlinks for the december foundry content looks good, but the actual link still goes to the november content.

Dan Rice

It's May, and the Modules are still showingg March :(


Hey Dan! Modules are always a month old because, well, I'm still making May items! The new month's modules are added typically within the first week of a month. Thanks for your patience!


Hello! Just installed your latest Foundry module and I have Magic Items installed as well. Are your items supposed to be automatically configured for use with Magic items? Because they seem to need manual setup, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.


Hmm! I'm not sure! If you can ask this question on the Discord server (in the #questions-and-support channel), I can get you in touch with the right person to answer this. Otherwise, shoot me a message here on Patreon and we can get more into what's going on that way.


Hiya! The extras that come each month, will they for nov+dec be the ones for year 3 november + december? Curious as I'm trying to figure out what packs to buy from the shop :) Thanks in advance!

Dan Rice

No older year this month? :( ahh well.

Joey Lanuza

All of the previous year content was started last year, which means that it's all caught up. If you didn't support during those months, you'll need to buy those modules on their webstore, much like you need to do for all the year 1 content.