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Wondrous item, rare

This 1-foot-long chest looks like a replica of a woodland cottage and is magically locked. You can use an action to place this chest on the ground and speak its command word. The chest immediately unlocks and grows into a cottage that remains until you use an action to speak the command word that dismisses it, which works only if the cottage is empty. When dismissed, the cottage returns to its normal chest form. If there isn't enough space for the cottage or there are creatures in its area when you speak the command word, the chest remains locked and the action is wasted.

The cottage is a wooden, two-story building that's 40 feet wide and 65 feet long. Inside is a kitchen, a dining room, and a large parlor with an ever-burning fire in its hearth. A curling stairway leads to the second floor, which has 4 bedrooms equipped with furniture you'd find in a modest to respectable inn. The first floor has six windows, and each bedroom on the second floor has one. When activated, the cottage has a small door on the side facing you. The door opens only at your command, which you can speak as a bonus action. It is immune to the knock spell and similar magic, such as that of a chime of opening.

The cottage's kitchen is filled with magical utensils that automatically stir, measure, and heat all manner of cuisine. Any check made using cook's utensils within the cottage has advantage on the roll. When left to its own devices, the cottage magically produces an array of baked goods for up to 8 creatures when the cottage appears for the first time each day and again each day at dawn until it is dismissed. Eating the food within the cottage provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day. If any baked goods are left uneaten, they vanish at dawn as the new goods appear. Any baked good, furniture, or similar object vanishes when taken outside the cottage and immediately reappears inside.

Further, fey and fiends can't enter the cottage unless you choose to let them, and creatures can't move or travel into it using teleportation or by extradimensional or interplanar means.

The cottage is made of wood and plaster, and its magic prevents it from being tipped over or moved. The roof, the door, and the walls (including the windows) each have 60 hit points, immunity to damage from nonmagical weapons excluding siege weapons, and resistance to all other damage. Only a wish spell can repair the cottage (this use of the spell counts as replicating a spell of 8th level or lower). Each casting of wish causes the roof, the door, or one wall to regain all its hit points.

My sisters have been gone for some time. All I have now is the home we used to share. We'd tell stories, sing songs, and most importantly, cook food from every village we visited. Oh, how the years fly when you're having fun. I come from a long line of memory makers, young chef. Welcome to my home and family.



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