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Wondrous item, common

A whispergust mote is a sentient breath of air typically separated from a larger air elemental. When not invisible, its form resembles a dollop of blue whipped cream but is weightless and fluid to the touch. The mote can use an action to become invisible, but it typically only does so when it senses danger. When left to its own devices, the mote will gently tousle the hair of passing creatures or flip a fallen leaf. While it is a form that is defined by its wanderlust, it nevertheless enjoys the company and experiences of adventuring parties that travel to new and unique locations. Most owners of a whispergust mote are rarely so bold as to claim ownership of it at all.

The mote is considered a magical object and is not a creature. It has a flying speed of 20 feet and can hover. It has AC 10, 5 hit points, and has resistance to all damage. The whispergust mote regains all its hit points if affected by a gust of wind spell or similar magic.

Sentience. The whispergust mote is a sentient chaotic good item with an Intelligence of 1, a Wisdom of 8, and a Charisma of 7. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. It can't speak or read, but understands Auran and Common.

Personality. The whispergust mote ultimately travels where it wants to go, but knows that companionship is often worth the limitations that come with it. In even the most dull of places, the mote will find ways to entertain itself—often to the panic or frustration of the creatures it travels with.

"For just 50 gold, this miraculous breeze can join you on your adventures! It'll tussle your hair! Play with your cat! Disperse bodily odors! Come and get it now, while it's still...in...this...st— Aw, man, where'd it go this time? C'mon!"



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