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Weapon (sling), rare

This slingshot requires two hands to attack and is adorned with coin-like designs. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, when you make a ranged attack with this weapon and use a coin as its ammunition, it deals extra damage on a hit based on the value of the coin you use:

Recovering coins fired in this way follows the normal rules for recovering ammunition. Depending on the nature of the battlefield, you may recover more or fewer coins than normal as determined by the GM.

Nobody's luck was that good, not even Sawyn the Sly. As the pile of coins grew in front of her, the house's staff — a collection of heavily-armed ruffians — formed a line behind her to cut off her exit. The thugs thought they'd gone unnoticed until, plucking a platinum piece from her pile, Sawyn said, "I guess you'll be expecting me to cash out, then."

They hadn't seen the slingshot up her wide sleeves before, and few enough saw it after.



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