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Hey heroes! Thanks for the votes and comments yesterday! Let's make another item together!

These are loose item ideas based on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Weaver's Shell — A shimmering cape that can disperse into a swam of insects, carrying you as if you were levitating and shielding you from the effects of spells like insect plague.

Iridescent Chitin Shield — A shield resembling the colorful husk of a strong beetle. When struck by a critical hit, it's treated as a normal hit and targets the attacker with the color spray spell. After enough uses, it shatters and casts hypnotic pattern over the area, centered on the shield.

Relic of the Primeval Guardian — A chitinous rod with two pincers, one on each end. When an aberration is within 60 feet of you, the pincers open to reveal a horrific set of hissing tentacles which are audible out to 15 feet.

Helm of the Rhino Beetle — An inky black helm with a large horn at its crest. While wearing it, you can charge at a target when you take the Dash action and make a contested Strength check. On a success, the target falls prone and takes bludgeoning damage.

Chuul Sensing Charm — A wearable charm that can be used to detect magic nearby. When used, it works like the detect magic spell, only it itself is not magical. It can be used a number of times each day.

Titan Cricket Braces — Tall boots or leg braces that resemble the legs of a massive cricket. You gain bonuses to your walking speed, and are always under the effect of the jump spell, even without a running start. The legs can also be used as a makeshift violin.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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