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Hey heroes!

With the release of the Heavensteppe setting, now is the time to look forward and decide what new setting and subclass pair should come next. Each time a new setting is released in this way, you can expect to see another poll just like this.

Each poll includes three options. The runner-up of the previous poll will stay, while the other two options will be different. There are a total of 12 setting/subclass pairs, so if your favored option doesn't come up now, you can expect to see it later!

1) A subversive Order and set of illustrated Warlock Patrons: The Many

Setting — Classic Thieves Guilds and even the Circle of Dragons are relatively tame in their ambitions compared to this dark collective. These people seek to capitalize on chaos, spreading it to unsuspecting towns and regions as new splinter sects find footholds. Without a central power structure, this group can easily take on the form best suited to subtly disrupt the area, often making their existence difficult to identify. And, because chaos can't be killed, eradicating the Order from somewhere doesn't destroy it, but merely delays  its return.

Warlock Patron: The Many — A warlock whose patron has multiple heads or entities, such as the legendary hydra Grihoo, powerful ettins, manipulative medusae, or hellish cerberi. These patrons grant warlocks the power to manifest ghostly heads, which can be sacrificed to save themselves, destroy their enemies, or remain ever-watchful and alert.

2) The Durheim Monastery and the Way of the Sharpened Spirit

Setting — A secluded monastery located at the nexus of strong spiritual currents where the wall between the Material and Ethereal Planes is extremely thin. Lost or wayward spirits often appear within the grounds, earning it the misplaced infamy of being haunted. Good spirits are found, honored, and ushered along into the next phase of their existence here, while evil ones are routed and banished by the monastery's practicing monks.  

Monk Subclass: The Way of the Sharpened Spirit — A monastic order of monks who can harness their inner soul like their ki in order to manifest their fists — and other weapons — nearby. These monks can see into the ethereal plane and start to bridge the gap between the two planes, allowing them to move through objects and strike down evil spirits. Psst, the name will probably change for the subclass a little bit.

3) The artisans' city of Antronec and the Bard College of Mercantile

Setting — A city filled with Guilds for artisans of all kinds, such as chefs, blacksmiths, cartographers, and more. At the center of it all is the Merchants' guild, who operate as ambassadors between the guilds while handling some of the more unsavory aspects of doing business. Comes with unique tables on building adventures and hooks between multiple guilds as they struggle for power.

Bard Subclass: College of Mercantile — A bard that uses coins as a spell focus and using its charisma to close deals and make the most of their money. Can use a coin to influence other creatures, understand them across languages, spy on them, and make a powerful spell attack by hurtling it at targets from afar.

Remember, each setting and subclass will be made at some point! It's up to you to decide which ones you're most excited for and should be made first!


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