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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This cross-chest bandolier has 6 magic daggers sheathed across it. When you take the Attack action while wearing this bandolier, you can use a bonus action to throw 1 of the daggers, making a ranged attack with it, provided you have a free hand. When you hit a target with one of these daggers, roll a d6 and consult the table below. The target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the type determined by the table, in addition to the weapon's damage, and the dagger disappears. On a miss, the dagger vanishes and reappears in the bandolier.

A dagger vanishes if you don’t hurl it right away and immediately reappears in the bandolier. 1d6 missing daggers reappear in the bandolier's empty sheaths daily at dawn.

"The most dangerous assassins always carry a bunch of knives, right? So this should seriously up my street cred, right?"

"First of all, the most dangerous assassins don't look like assassins. Second...yes, it will up your street cred."



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