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Ring, very rare

Made from tiny, moss-covered stones, this ring is enchanted with ancient fey magic. You can use an action to speak the ring's command word, followed by the name or description of a precise location on any plane of existence, and toss it into an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. The ring expands into a 5-foot circular stone portal that's 1 foot thick in the space where it lands, floating 1 foot off the ground, where it remains for up to 1 minute.

The portal duplicates the effect of the gate spell, creating another stone portal at the destination. This version of the spell can't target an individual creature, but can be used to target a precise location on the same plane of existence as you.

You can end the spell and close the portal early by speaking the ring's command word again as an action while touching it with your hand. When you do, the ring returns to its normal size and reappears on your hand. If the portal remains for the full duration, the ring returns to its normal size and falls to the ground on a random side of the portal. Once the ring has been used, it can't be used again until 10 days have passed.

Space is just a concept, really. With the right magic, anywhere is just a step away.



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