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Hey heroes! Thanks for the votes and comments yesterday! Let's make another item together!

These are loose item ideas based on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Towel of the Racoon — A towel that can be worn as a short cloak. You can throw it on an area of water to destroy it as if by the create or destroy water spell, clean yourself as if by prestidigitation, or stop rain and other water from making you wet while you hold it.

Pillow of Comfort — An uncommon magical pillow that grants you temporary hit points equal to your level when you finish a short or long rest with it. A rare version can be used to remove an extra level of exhaustion. Can't be used again until the next dawn.

Cloche of Surprise Treats — A reusable silver lid atop a decorative platter. Speaking its command word and lifting the lid creates a meal for one for person, a handful of goodberries, or duplicates the effect of the heroes' feast spell by rolling on a table.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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