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Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement by a paladin)

A bow designed for holy warriors who prefer to keep evil at a distance. Any ranged attack you make with this weapon is considered to be a melee weapon attack for the purposes of using your Divine Smite feature and meeting the requirements of any paladin spell you cast with "smite" in its name.

In addition, when you expend a 1st-level spell slot to use your Divine Smite feature on an attack made with this bow, you can choose to not expend the spell slot instead. This property can't be used again until the next dawn.

The Riders of Divinity were fervent in their purpose. Filled with repulsion at the stench of cruelty and fiendish intent, they would draw their bows at the first sight of evil rather than rush headlong toward it. Loosing volleys of arrows like rain upon their wretched targets, evil would wither and burn in the wake of the Riders' wrath.



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