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Hey heroes!

Following the poll and comments in the last card-related poll, I have some more insight as to how you all use theses cards.

So I have another series of questions I'd like to ask that will let me better make these cards for you. Please keep in mind that these questions are for the printed cards only. Digital cards will remain unchanged other than whatever visual design changes are made.

Here are the four questions:

  • What's your ideal card size? If you could use any card size, what would it be? 3x5, tarot, or poker size? (You made it clear that you want the card sizes to stay the same, so rest easy that the 3x5" cards will stay an option. Only choose another size option if you don't use the cards because they're not a size you want.)
  • Where do you want to see the item art? On the front of the card with the item description, or on the back of it instead?
  • How do you want to print your card backs? Would you rather print your fronts and backs separately, or fold them over—like in the current designs—all at once?
  • How do you want to handle long item descriptions? How do you feel about the lateral folds on long cards? Would you rather have 1 folded card, or would you rather have multiple unfolded cards for a single item? (These are the folds that only appear on items whose descriptions run long, and make sure that all your item cards here are the same length when printed.)

Rather than pushing you to a Google Form, just vote below. There are four sections, each one is divided by a solid line and capitalized question within the poll options. Please select one of the following answers from each of the four sections:

Given your answers, I will do what I can to make options available to you. I can't promise that every option you request will be integrated into the eventual updates: I am one person who makes these cards for you each day, so if I can create an efficient means of making more tailored card options every day, I will. 

Please answer honestly. Vote brigading just hurts everyone else, so vote your conscious and ignore the tallies of the other options for now.


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