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Hey heroes! Let's make an item you'd find in a blacksmith's forge!

These are loose item ideas using on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these may have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Smithy's Reforger — A set of blacksmith's tools that grant you proficiency with them and allow you to repair and heal constructs, with or without magic, as well as summon a construct ally with find familiar or similar magic.

Trailblazer A torch that can burn for up to 12 hours daily, deducting time burned when you use it to create tiny, immobile magical flames that each burn separately for up to 1 hour. Great for making a trail in dark caverns or woods.

Keen Coals — A heavy leather bag filled with 1d6 + 2 ever-burning coals. You can put one in a fire to cause it to burn hot for up to 8 hours, or touch one to to a nonmagical weapon to grant it a +1 bonus for up to 8 hours instead.

Forgekeeper's Spark — A small, sentient piece of coal that loves burning in fires and maintaining them. It grants you bonuses when using blacksmith tools, and reduces the time it takes to forge or reforge items.

Breaker's Anvil — A stake anvil that's magical light, allowing you to wield it in one hand as a war pick. You can summon a burning light hammer to your other hand while holding it. You can use these two weapons either for combat or for re/forging items.

Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week!


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