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Mistwalker Armor
Armor (leather), rare (requires attunement)

This dark leather armor releases thin wisps of fog from its seams. While wearing this armor, you can use an action to cast the fog cloud spell (2nd-level version) from it. Once this property of the armor has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

In addition, fog doesn't obscure your vision, and while you're in opaque fog, you can use your movement to teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see in the fog. Doing so costs an amount of movement equal to the distance you teleport.

The bandits were shocked by the ease with which they'd crushed the small town's resistance. It was an easily-missed place, out of the way in a pass high in the mountains. They'd always kill a guardsman or two, threaten the elders if they didn't comply, and move on to grimmer tactics if those didn't work. But it was normally more difficult than this. As the sun set, the bandits' captain watched the nighttime fog flow down from the mountains, rolling past an abandoned watchtower. He laughed scornfully; maybe there'd been some sort of military post around here that'd shielded these soft peasants, and that's why they were so easily cowed.

The townsfolk, for their part, knew to stay out of the mist as night fell. It was part of the pact that they had all learned as children, as had their parents and their parents before them. And it was that pact that made them lock their doors even as the screams of the brigands still prowling the streets fell, muffled by the descending fog.

The townsfolk were not the prey; they were the bait. In the morning all that was left in the bandits' place was a card, bearing the image of the Tower.



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