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Wondrous item, uncommon

While wearing these boots, the DC of any ability checks made to track your movements using your footprints increases by 5.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to cause the boots to leave behind no footprints for 1 minute. When you do, another set of similar footprints appear on the ground that lead in random directions. These footprints last for 8 hours and travel up to 300 feet. A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the footprints are magical. Once this property of the boots has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

"Step this way," said the merchant. His voice was dripping with false camaraderie and concern.

The tired traveler followed—grateful to have found someone helpful in this strange city. What the traveler did not notice, however, was that only one set of footsteps followed behind them. They stepped into a secretive alleyway, a "shortcut to respite" the merchant called it.

The traveler would be discovered in the morning—his body shriveled and drained of life— having seemingly fallen from hunger in the alley. His lonely footprints were taken as proof of his solitude.



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