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Wondrous item, uncommon

This durable, ceramic vase is 3 feet tall and weighs 15 pounds. You can use an action to remove the vase's lid. When you do, you must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be shunted onto a harmless demiplane inside the vase. A Large or larger creature automatically succeeds on the saving throw, but a willing Medium or smaller creature can choose to fail it. If a creature is already on the demiplane when you remove the lid, that creature reappears in the nearest unoccupied space, and you automatically succeed on the saving throw. Immediately after opening the vase in this way, the lid flies back and reseals the vase.

While on this demiplane, you can't move and are blinded, but can hear everything outside of the vase as if you were standing in its space. You can leave this demiplane using an action to reappear in the nearest unoccupied space. When you attempt to leave the demiplane, a creature outside the vase can use its reaction to hold the vase's lid shut and make a DC 25 Strength check, preventing you from leaving on a success.

The vase has AC 12, 30 hit points, and is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. The vase is destroyed if it drops to 0 hit points. If the vase is destroyed while a creature is on its demiplane, that creature is forced into the nearest unoccupied space. Once a creature leaves the demiplane, the vase's lid can't be removed again for 24 hours.

You can remain on the demiplane for up to 8 hours or until the vase is placed inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar item, at which time you are forcefully shunted out of it. If the lid is successfully held in place when you would be forcefully shunted from the demiplane in this way, the vase shatters and is destroyed.

While holding the vase, you can use an action to change the style, color, and apparent quality of the vessel. The vase's weight doesn’t change. Regardless of its appearance, the vase can’t be anything but a vase.

Firell walked through the door to his estate, rifling through papers and tucking his jumbling keys back into his purse. He idly glances to the side to see a new vase. He stops.

"Jura? Darling? Did you get this vase?"

From somewhere else in the house another voice replied back, "No, sweety, it was left for us outside. I think it's from the Hawkins. I've sent a messenger there to thank them."

Firell continued to eye the vase, "Ah, that makes sense. How nice of them." He went back to sorting through papers. "God awful taste, those Hawkins. What a tacky thing."

The vase suddenly began to wobble. Its lid cracked open before shutting once more. Next to the vase stood a towering half-orc, sword in hand. He stooped down to look at the vase in more detail, "Hmm, well, I don't think it's tacky. I worked hard to pick out this pattern. Everyone else said they liked it, too."

Firell stared in disbelief, the papers now hanging loosely in his hands.

The half-orc stood up, suddenly realizing his error. He covered his face with a large hand and slowly dragged it down and off his stubbled chin.

The two stared at one another for a long pause.

"Well, this is awkward," said the half-orc. "Tell you what, you give me those keys like I came here for, I leave this surprisingly un-tacky vase here, and you tell the Hawkins you love their gift. Win-win, right?"

Firell blinked several times, shook his head, and started to slowly turn his head and open his mouth. The half-orc held up a hand and continued:

"The alternative is I kill you, take your keys, and take the pretty vase back with me."

Firell's mouth closed, his shoulders slumped, and reached for his keys once more. He held them out with trembling fingers.

Satisfied, the half-orc took them. "Thank you, that was much easier. Now, last thing, I want to hear you call the vase beautiful. Make sure to sound convincing."



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