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The man whistled and idly flipped a coin between his fingers. His boots made a satisfying thunk against the harbor's wooden planks beneath him as the salty sea breeze baked his skin. He smiled and waved at a few locals who called out to him, but kept walking.

Out of sight, he took a turn down an empty alley and found the hidden latch of a door built into the wooden boards. Slipping into the darkness below, he felt the cool air of the cave he called home against his skin once more. He heard the gentle lapping of water against the stone floor from the nearby opening into the sea, and appreciated the glitter of gold, silver, and gemstones in the magical torchlight.

Only then did the man slip back into his true form: his skin growing silvered and scaled, his body massive and powerful. This was the den of dragon, containing many of the world's most famous pirate treasures and lost artifacts. This was the home of an eclectic trickster and collector: Duvra.



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