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Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

These dark ceramic and gold masks are fashioned after animals that are sacred in certain cultures. Each mask's appearance and properties are based on the sacred beast it represents. While attuned to a mask, you can end your attunement to it and attune to a different one over the course of 1 minute, instead of over the course of one or more short rests.

Crocodile (Common). While wearing a crocodile mask, you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet and can hold your breath for up to 10 minutes at a time.

Lion (Uncommon). While wearing a lion mask, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. In addition, your nails extend into claws, turning your unarmed strikes with your hands into magic weapons that deal slashing damage with a damage die of 1d6.

Hawk (Rare). While wearing a hawk mask, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, and attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls. In addition, you can cast the feather fall spell at will, targeting only yourself.

Mule (Very Rare). While wearing a mule mask, your Strength score increases by 2, to a maximum of 20, you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift, and you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity ability checks and saving throws against being knocked prone. In addition, when you hit a Large or smaller creature with a melee weapon attack, you can use a bonus action to force that creature to make a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (its choice). On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.

Jackal (Legendary). While wearing a jackal mask, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and immunity to necrotic damage.

In addition, you can use an action to fire a beam of deathly green magic from your forehead at a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The creature must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once this property of the mask has been used, it can't be used again until the next dusk.

A humanoid killed by this necrotic damage rises at the start of your next turn as a mummy under your control. The mummy acts on its own initiative count. On your turn, you can mentally command the mummy if it is within 120 feet of you and you aren't incapacitated (no action required). You decide what action the mummy takes and where it moves during its next turn, or you can issue it a general command, such as to attack your enemies or guard a location.

The mummy remains until you dismiss it as a bonus action, until it's reduced to 0 hit points, or until you are no longer attuned to any mask of the sacred beast, causing it to turn to dust. You can only create and control one mummy at a time in this way.

We came upon a group of warriors this morning by mistake. Larenth, who had been holding the bulk of our supplies and cookware, gave away our location with a sharp bang and clatter as they tripped and fell. The band of warriors turned to look at us in unison, their faces covered in dark and foreboding crocodile masks with movements filled with the strength and purpose of true predators. It was a moment that seemed to drag on forever, and I could no longer hear the nearby river over the sound of the blood pounding in my ears.

We escaped, for lack of a better word, unfollowed for a panic-ridden minute. We assumed they didn't plan to give chase, since we didn't hear the sound of moving underbrush behind us. How wrong we were.

We stopped after another minute to catch our breaths, hiding in a secluded glen under a fallen pine. Just as we thought we were safe, we saw the warriors once more—now holding spears and wearing masks of lions, hawks, and jackals.

Once more my blood pounded in my ears. It was so loud I feared the warriors would hear it as clearly as I was. One of the warriors, a woman in a lion's mask, sniffed the air and turned to the old pine under which we sat. She said something to her companions and walked to where we hid, holding her spear in one hand and something else in the other.

She walked to the tree and placed a mask on the ground: a mule's. Without a word, she returned to the rest of the group and vanished as easily as they had come.

—excerpt from the diary of Garold, the soldier



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