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There I did come across a crossroad in the deep Safire Wood.

And there did I see a pallid beauty, whose matronly figure was cloaked in gossamer black; illuminated by a torch of cerulean fire.

And there did I hear her say, "Seek thee a home in the Safire Coven? Answer not, for I know this to be assuredly true. Yet from afar I've watched, and in thine heart, conflict I've spied. Uncertainty. Doubt. These things will bar thee from our Coven. If thou wouldst join our sacred caste, then cast from thine heart thine uncertainty, and tread the path right. But if thou wishes for thine safe return home, stride the path left, with haste, and visit this place never again. Name now thy choice. Dost thou still seek entry to our union?"

And then did I speak, with naught but certainty in my voice, "Indeed."



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