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Hey heroes! What a heated poll! Let's make something from a salamander!

These are loose item ideas using on the suggestions from yesterday's direction poll. Some of these have had their ideas adjusted or combined with other like-minded suggestions. The final product may or may not use the original wording, so these are the core of the items' functionality and flavor.


Salamander Flame Tail Sash — A fiery sash that wraps around your body and waist to become a flowing tail once you attune to it. You gain resistance to fire damage, but vulnerability to cold damage, and can use a bonus action on your turns to make a special fiery tail attack against a nearby creature.

Chvorinov’s Lost Theory — A potion in an iron kettle with cracks of glowing, molten magma shining through. Inside is a bubbling amalgamation of molten mithral, salamander blood, and healing potion. Drinking it grants you immunity to fire damage as well as bonuses to your melee attacks, but slashes your health and replaces it with temporary hit points for the duration instead.

Gauntlets of the Salamander Soul — Dark metal gauntlets that perpetually have streaks of glowing molten metal. While wearing them, your unarmed strikes deal bonus fire damage, and you are always under the effect of the flame blade spell, allowing you to summon the fiery sword at will from the gauntlets.


Thanks for the suggestions! Let's make something fun this week! 


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