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Rod, uncommon

This rod weighs 3 pounds and has an iron brazier at its top and spike at its base. You can use a bonus action while holding the rod to speak its first command word and create a magical flame at its top. While lit, this rod functions as a burning torch. You can use a bonus action to speak its command word again to extinguish the flame.

You can use an action to place the rod's brazier upside down on the ground in an unoccupied space and speak its second command word. When you do, the spike at the rod's other end begins to glow from within, revealing its subtle design as a tent. Over the course of 1 minute, the rod expands and magically unfurls a canvas from its top, creating a 5-foot-square opaque tent in its space with an entrance large enough for a Medium or smaller creature to comfortably fit. You choose the style, color, and quality of the tent each time you use this property. Regardless of its appearance, the tent can't be anything but a tent.

Inside the tent is a square extradimensional dwelling, 15 feet on a side and 10 feet high, with the enlarged camper's respite supporting it at its center. The walls and ceiling are made of the same canvas as the tent, but the floor is made of smooth stone. The rod's enlarged brazier functions as a magical fireplace that can be lit or extinguished by speaking the rod's first command word. This fire gives off light and heat like a normal fire, but doesn't require oxygen or create smoke. The atmosphere inside the space is comfortable and dry, regardless of the weather outside.

The tent is immobile and remains for up to 12 hours, until you use an action to speak its second command word again to dismiss it, or until the tent collapses. Dealing 20 damage to the tent (AC 13) causes it to collapse. The tent is immune to poison and psychic damage. The tent reverts to a rod at the end of its duration, and anything inside the tent is forced into the nearest unoccupied space. When the tent becomes a rod again, this property of the rod can't be used again for 12 hours.

"Feel at home—anywhere! Easy to set up, hard to live without! Get your respite today!"
—Breezeport magical wares crier



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