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The guard lay dead on the floor in a pool of their own blood: a single stab wound evident in their back. Turro stared in disbelief at the body—he'd only been gone for a matter of minutes. The guard post had been silent all day. All week, even. And now this?

Who had been watching them? Who had been waiting?

A shuffling of papers and footsteps from the dark corner of the room caught Turro's attention. He swung around and drew his blade, adrenaline beginning to race through his veins.

His eyes dilated as he felt the first beads of sweat start to pool on his forehead. His breathing became sharper and panicked. Between the sounds of his own breathing and the pounding of his heart, he could hardly hear anything.

Another shuffle. This time on the other side of the room. He twisted around, grimacing as he expected to face the worst. To see the face of his friend's killer....

Instead, the dead guard stood before him, calm and alive. For an instant, Turro felt relieved.

Until he saw the glint of a dagger. Then, nothing.

A few moments later, Turro walked out of the guard post. He whistled softly to himself as he walked, twirling a key on one finger and tucking a crimson-stained dagger in his belt.



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