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Wondrous item, common

While wearing this leather circlet, you can use a bonus action to change your hair's length, color, and styling. When you remove the circlet, your hair returns to its natural appearance. Your hair can grow up to 5 feet long in this way, and any hair you cut off immediately vanishes.

She walked away from the party with confidence. Her hair's large red curls tumbled across her shoulders and bounced with each step she took down the cobblestone street. The heist was a success, of course, and she'd made quite the impression on the guests: no one would forget the "scarlet-haired dancer" or the "red-haired vixen". The nobleman, especially, couldn't stop staring at it. Even now, she was sure he was describing it to the guards in much angrier tones.

"Find that blood-haired bitch at once!" she said to herself in mock tones, mimicking the nobleman's sputtering mannerisms and flustered expression. She chuckled softly and toyed with the jewelry she'd stolen from him. Rings and necklaces worth a fortune, to be sure. They'd look much better on her, anyway.

She took a casual glance over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being followed and turned down an alley. As she slunk into obscurity and darkness, her hair magically twisted and dimmed into a meek, forgettable braid of dull brown hair.



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