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Armor (any metal armor), very rare (requires attunement)

Novanite is a strong metal smelt from ore mined in the Astral Plane. Armor made from this metal absorbs more light than normal and gives off a strange, otherworldly aura. Glimmering cosmos can be seen in the armor's reflections at night. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Astral Leap. While wearing this armor, you can speak its command word as an action to choose a space you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do, you vanish into a planar tear and reappear at the chosen spot at the start of your next turn, remaining in the Astral Plane until you do. If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature, you take 3d6 force damage and appear in the nearest unoccupied space. This property of the armor can't be used again until 12 hours have passed.

Disappearing and reappearing in this way creates vacuums and waves as space is pushed and pulled around you. Any creature other than you within 10 feet of the space you left or appear in must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d6 force damage and is pulled up to 10 feet toward the space you left from, or pushed 10 feet away from the space you reappear in. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much force damage and is not pulled or pushed.

The metal was cold to the touch. It felt alien. Strange. Like it had seen more in its existence than anything I could possibly understand. It would persist long after my time, too, I was sure of it. Whatever heavenly journey it was on, I was merely a passing moment. To me, this metal was the difference between my today and my tomorrow.



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