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Weapon (maul), rare (requires attunement)

Forged during the Upheaval, these brutish weapons were given to members of the guard to quell any arcanist uprising. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hit a creature concentrating on a spell with this weapon, runes start to glow on the weapon's head, and that creature makes the resulting Constitution saving throw to maintain its concentration with disadvantage.

As an action, you can speak the weapon's command word and hold it aloft, causing the metal book adorning the head of the maul to wildly turn its pages and shatter. When it does, any spell or magical effect within 60 feet of you is dispelled, as if affected by the dispel magic spell (5th-level version). A spell or magical effect cast using a 6th-level spell slot or higher is unaffected in this way. Once this property is used, the book disappears from the head of the weapon, and the maul becomes a magical weapon with no additional properties.

"This gathering has been declared unlawful by the mage-arbiter's decree. Disband, or be broken."



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