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Gnome hermit, sage, trickster, wizard: neutral good.

Personality Traits. Heswyse is a 300-year-old widow. She lives frugally, reads often, and tinkers with silly devices of her own invention. She values brevity and conciseness in her conversations. She is quick to be blunt, but makes a point to avoid rudeness. While she is hospitable, she’s not a host.

Ideals. My time is just that: mine. Safety and comfort are what brings me the most pleasure.

Fears. I worry that whatever killed my husband will come to get me next.

Quirks. Knits often and leaves small pranks behind her while out on errands.

Secret. Her husband was poisoned by someone for an unknown purpose. She has nightmares of it.

d6 Magic item

1 Bath Potion 

2 Steps of the Trickster 

3 Coil Crook 

4 Clockwork Mend-A-Pillar 

5 Staff of the Mirage 

6 Snugglebeast (rare or very rare) 



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