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Human acolyte, author, soldier, paladin: lawful good.

Personality Traits. Catherine is kind, patient, and stalwart. She was raised in a militant household and flourishes in systems of rules and governance. Her tattoos are symbols of her devotion to righteousness and divinity. She prays 3 times each day, polishes all of her equipment before bed, and keeps a detailed journal of her travels, challenges, and successes.

Ideals. When there’s a right and wrong way to live, why abide wrongdoing?

Fears. I am not immune to temptation. I fear that it will win one day, and I will be lost to it and my faith.

Quirks. Always wears gloves.

Secret. Catherine’s parents were cruel with punishment. Her hands bear the marks of many scars.

d6 Magic item

1 Inker’s Armband 

2 Pegasus Quill 

3 Starbreaker 

4 Breastplate of the Morning Light 

5 Crosier of Divine Power 

6 Heart of Damned Intervention 



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