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Wondrous item, uncommon

This flashy set of pants has four pockets that each lead to a special, extradimensional space. Each pocket is six inches wide at the mouth and can hold up to 20 pounds material, not exceeding a volume of 2 cubic feet. The pants always weigh 1 pound, regardless of its contents.

Placing an object in one of the pants' pockets follows the normal rules for interacting with objects. Retrieving an item from the pants requires an action as your hand rummages around in side for a few moments before finding the item it's looking for.

If the pants are overloaded, pierced, or torn, they rupture and tear, scattering their contents in a 300-foot radius around you. Casting the mending spell on the pants daily for 30 days restores the pants' connection to the extradimensional spaces. If one or more pockets are turned inside out, their contents spill forth, unharmed, but the pocket must be put right before it can be used again. Breathing creatures inside the pocket can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 10 divided by the number of creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.

Placing the pants inside an extradimensional space created by a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.

A pair of pants with pockets is one thing, but pocket dimensions is another thing entirely.



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