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Half-Elf bodyguard, gardener, ranger: lawful neutral.

Personality Traits. Destrian is a quiet but even-keeled mercenary. His athletic build makes him a common choice for traveling merchants or as a threatening figure to stand along the walls of pubs in case things get too rowdy. He is governed by coin and the laws of nature, believing that everyone—including himself—is just something else’s meal waiting to happen. His commentary is nihilistic.

Ideals. We’re just weeds trying to get to better dirt.

Fears. Undeath and the undead. An eternity to a sleepless oblivion.

Quirks. Finds peace and smiles while gardening. Buys seeds from the places he travels to bring home.

Secret. Destrian is colorblind, but hides it well.

d6 Magic item

1 Grass Carpet 

2 Tear of Gaia 

3 Festerwood Logger 

4 Tethervine Quiver 

5 Grass Whistle Blade 

6 Spire Seed 



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