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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a bard)

This finely-crafted instrument is inlaid with intricate pearl designs. When you give another creature a Bardic Inspiration die using this violin, you gain one yourself, which is a d4.

Curse. This violin is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. When a creature that you can see (including yourself) fails an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw after adding the bonus from your Bardic Inspiration to the total of the roll, you take psychic damage equal to the number rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die as you lose faith in your own abilities. This damage ignores resistance and immunity.

Yandril looked on in horror as the goblins began to surround them, cutting off their escape route. The party was already in shambles: their wizard was weakened, and their archer nearly out of arrows. All that was left was the warrior Frael's battered mace.

She swung away, pulverizing the goblins one after the other as they came closer. The group huddled around her, doing what little they could with what they had left. Morale was low.

But Yandril knew that he could save them. Only he had the strongest power of all: song.

He began to play on his violin, a tool he'd come to rely on for bolstering his allies. He didn't have much left to give, but this might make all the difference. He needed to empower his allies, as well as his ego.

As he played, Yandril began to sing:

O Frael, you magnificent fighter,
hacking away through the throngs.
But please: don't stop! Lest evil overtake you,
and quash out my marvelous songs.



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