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A storm rolled in. They'd seen it coming, but hoped to finish their catch before it caught up to them. It was terrible and dark—far worse than they'd imagined— and sent waves crashing over the side of the small fishing vessel.

The fishermen had to release the beast they'd hooked. It had dragged them for miles, but with their combined skill had managed to weaken it enough to start to reel it in. Moments later, the sound of a new crash: a man overboard. It was the traveler, a promising swordsman on his way from Breezeport. He'd paid the fare already, so it was no fiscal matter to the fishers, but a life is always a life.

One of the fishers ran to the side of the ship, peering into the tumultuous depths and surging waves. He shouted over at his companion.

"They just jumped right in!"

"What? After the beast? Are they mad?"

The man wiped the sea water from his eyes, although it didn't do much good. Resigned, he turned away from the railing along the ship's side."Honestly must be. No one could weather these waves. What a waste of a swordsman."

Moments later, a splash, a crash, and the roar of the once-hooked beast bellowed across the din of the raging sea. The men looked back to see the swordsman fly from the water with a momentum they'd never seen, flipping and slashing and piercing the creature from below and above the waves in a flurry of deadly skill.

The beast fought as best it could, but in its weakened state was no match for the man's dexterity. After a few more thrashes, the beast lay still, floating atop the heaving waters.

The traveler launched himself up again, barely catching hold of the side of the ship, and hoisted himself back up. He was panting, but all-together unfazed by the encounter. Slogging back to his cabin, the swordsman called back, "There. Would hate to have missed out on eating that beast this week. I'll be in my room if you need me."



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