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Human street urchin, thief, monk: chaotic neutral

Personality Traits. Simon grew up as an orphan with two younger sisters. To provide for them, he did his best to steal what they needed to survive and earn the rest as fairly as he could. His sisters were taken from him two years ago by the royal clergy, forced into a secretive and dubious service. In his grief, Simon has turned to back alley brawls, boxing matches, and gambling to make ends meet and to become strong enough to rescue his sisters.

Ideals. I can only rely on my own two hands. I love my sisters more than anything else. 

Fears. Losing my sisters.

Quirks. Names and renames his fists frequently.

Secret. Simon falls asleep by writing poetry.

d6 Magic item

1 Everlasting Sugarbomb 

2 Bands of the Found and Lost 

3 Ring of Seething 

4 Diviner’s Dice 

5 Spirit Sheath 

6 Pendant of the Tempered Fury 



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