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Tiefling peasant, possessed, warlock: chaotic good.

Personality Traits. Sunny is a tiefling daughter to two impoverished farmers. Her bright disposition is contagious, and as a result is a local favorite among her neighbors. However, Sunny has dreams of herself doing terrible deeds, and as a result does her best to help others while she’s awake.

Ideals. Sunny loves her parents and neighbors. 

Fears. The dark, and Urihzl.

Quirks. Talks very fast.

Secret. Sunny’s demonic heritage has led her to be the prized target of a powerful, evil demonic patron named Urihzl. His possession of her is a step toward his greater goal of the corruption and eventual enslavement of her town and its citizens.

d6  Magic item

1 Bird of a Feather (common) 

2 Firecracker Crystals 

3 Doodle Ring 

4 Ring of the Fowl Sentinel 

5 Catnip Amulet 

6 Mask of the Pact Bearer 



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