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Half-orc barkeep, gossip, wizard: chaotic good.

Personality Traits. Kavon is an outgoing tavern owner. He has a knack for remembering names, connecting like-minded visitors, and deducing truths from rumors and body language. He is a self-taught wizard and adds spells to his spellbook as drunken tavern-goers leave their spell scrolls and other arcane writings behind.

Ideals. A happy customer is its own reward. 

Fears. I’ve been robbed before, and I wasn’t ready. I’m still not sure if I’ll ever truly be.

Quirks. Makes exotic wines.

Secret. His father was an infamous necromancer. Kavon will not practice or tolerate necromancy.

d6 Magic item

1 Wispy Sour (common) 

2 Shifter’s Shine (uncommon) 

3 Staff of the Mirage 

4 Djinn And Tonic (rare) 

5 Mageplate Cap 

6 Mindmaster’s Monocle 



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