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Potion, common or uncommon

The typical wispy sour, a common potion, is a specialty alcoholic beverage that causes you to float harmlessly off the floor. When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed of 10 feet for 1 minute, but can only hover 1 foot above the ground when doing so. The drink is smooth, sweet, and has a slight aftertaste of ash. A tiny, single light from the dancing lights spell is often cast within the drink when served. Due to its magical nature, the alcohol within this potion affects a creature twice as much as the alcohol within a nonmagical beverage.

The following wispy sour is an uncommon variant with additional properties. It also tastes better.

For 1 minute after drinking this potion, you can regain 1d8 + 2 hit points once on each of your turns when you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points. If the creature is a construct or undead, you don't regain any hit points in this way. This variant contains a harmless will-o'-wisp fragment. Hazy visions of lost souls occasionally drift though the drink's cheery liquid.

"Alright, pack it in bud. I've taken enough o' your gold for one night. Time to go home."

The half elf didn't move. He was slumped on the bar, gazing lazily into the drink in front of him. He murmured something inaudible.

"Whassat? Come on, speak up. Time to get a move on, bub."

The fey made a dramatic motion, slinging his back upright and staring blearily at the bartender. He held out the drink and swirled it, the tiny light inside rolling around helplessly inside.

"Ah sed I see DEAD peeble!"



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