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Paolo Venxojeth
Dragonborn cartographer, scout, monk: lawful neutral.

Personality Traits. Paolo is a member of the Antronec Cartographer’s Guild. His desire for all things new, undiscovered, and valuable drives him to seek out new locales and secrets. He is direct, fearless, and impatient. He is a well-regarded cartographer and a capable illustrator.

Ideals. You can’t buy food and women without gold. I will collect my own hoard some day.

Fears. I can’t afford to have my quality of life change. I won’t feel safe until I have my riches.

Quirks. Casually reads and draws pornography.

Secret. He’s played key roles in various fixing and exploitation schemes to rob people of their gold. 

d6 Magic item

1 Pegasus Quill 

2 No-Stones  (Coming up on Tuesday!)

3 Fists of the Guiding Star 

4 Dragonkin weapon, +1 

5 Insatiable Tome 

6 Pendant of the Tempered Fury 



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