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Potion, common or very rare

The typical bloody marilith, a common potion, is a specialty alcoholic beverage that fills your body with reactive energy. For 1 minute after drinking this potion, you can use a reaction even if you've already taken one since the end of your last turn. Once you take this reaction, the potion's effect ends. The potion is a deep crimson color with a thick consistency that vibrates softly within its bottle, sending ripples along its surface. It smells and tastes of freshly ground pepper, hot spices, and faintly sour tomato juice. Due to its magical nature, the alcohol within this potion affects a creature twice as much as the alcohol within a nonmagical beverage.

Drinking additional bloody mariliths before you finish a long rest leaves your body feeling worn. When the potion's effect ends, you can't move or take actions until after your next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over you.

The following bloody marilith is a very rare variant with more powerful properties. It uses blood from a fiendish marilith, instead of a magical substitute, and pleasantly burns your tongue when drinking it. It also tastes better.

When you drink this potion, you can take one reaction on every turn in a combat for 1 minute. Unlike its common variant, this potion's effect does not end when you use an additional reaction.

With a demonic vigor, the knight spun and slashed and moved like never seen before. It was beautiful and horrific. To the eyes of the young squire, it was nothing short of a miracle. He watched as his master, in a dizzying onslaught, reduced the goblins to tatters outside the tavern.

Her lips were scarlet red. Was it blood? If so, whose?

Transfixed, the wide-eyed boy softly whispered, "Is...is this the power of alcohol?"



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