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Wondrous item, rare

This large, ragged tome weighs 12 pounds and has up to one thousand blank vellum pages inside it. The tome is magical and devours any smaller nonmagical book or document placed next to it with rows of hidden teeth over the course of 1 minute. After the tome has eaten a book, you can use an action to speak the tome's command word, followed by the name of a book or document it's eaten, to cause the previously destroyed contents to appear on the blank pages of the book. The contents are magically printed on the tome's pages in the same language or cipher they were originally written in and remain until you speak the tome’s command word again to erase them or replace them with another document's contents.

The tome dislikes the taste of magic. Any swallowed pages containing spells, magical sigils, or arcane scrolls are harmlessly spat back out by the tome. However, any notes, spells, or magical sigils that are written in the tome (instead of having been eaten by it) can be recalled if they're either dated, labeled, or titled. Written commentary, notes, and other such addenda to documents within the tome are saved by it and appear whenever the document is recalled again.

"They say it's like having a library with you all the time. An unkempt, terrifying, unholy library...but it still sounds like not an all-together terrible thing to keep around."



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