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Hey heroes!

Here are the Diviner's Dice! These functions may change a little between now and release, but this is your first look at the item! Thank you again for hanging out the other night on stream and voting for the items! See you next week!

Diviner's Dice
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This set of three six-sided crystal dice is weakly connected to the tides of fate. You can roll these dice as an action and record the numbers rolled. Once rolled, you can't record any other numbers in this way until the next dawn. While you have the dice on your person, you can use a reaction when you or a creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll or ability check to add or subtract one of the recorded numbers from the attack roll or ability check's total. You can wait to use this reaction until after the creature rolls the d20, but must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Each recorded number can only be used once. You lose any unused recorded numbers daily at dawn.

Our fate is the product of thousands of chances that come together, turning our destinies into a mere gamble. And, like any game of chance, someone will always find a way to cheat.

I'm live on Picarto! Use this link to watch! Let's make the Diviner's Dice! We'd love to have you join in and chat, too!


In case you need to enter a key to get in, use this:


See you there!

Let's make a toy or game-related item! These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the exclusive Picarto link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change! Picarto has, so far, been a more reliable host for streaming. You don't even need an account to participate in chat!  Come hang out!


  • Diviner's Dice — This set of three six-sided dice is weakly connected to the tides of fate. You can roll these dice and record their rolled numbers. You can use a reaction when you or a creature you can see rolls an attack or ability check and add or subtract one of the rolled numbers from the total. You can use this property before knowing the outcome of the roll. Each die can only be used once before needing to be rerolled the next dawn.
  • Deck of Dreams — A set of ornate, mirror-like cards. Each deck of dreams comes with 1d6 + 4 cards. As an action, you can hold one of the cards aloft and speak its command word to cast the dream spell using it. When you do, the dream is recorded within the card, and fleeting images from it appear in the card's silvery surface. Once a card has recorded a dream, it can't be used to cast this spell or record again.  As an action, you can touch the card to your forehead and play the recorded dream in your mind. 
  • Illusory Top — This silver top has small holes along its top that magically emit light when spun. When you spin this top, you can speak its command word to cast the minor illusion spell using it, creating a visual illusion centered 1 foot above the top.

See you tonight!


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