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Hey heroes!

Here's your early peek of the Meta Medallion! This can still change between now and its official release, although I think it's simple enough that it probably won't. Thank you to everyone who hung out last night during the broadcast! It was a lot of fun!

Meta Medallion
Wondrous item, very rare (require attunement by a sorcerer)

This small medallion is 1-inch tall and made of a strange metal that contains a mote of pure magic. While wearing the medallion, your understanding of Metamagic expands, granting you one additional Metamagic option of your choice. As long as you continue to wear the medallion, you can change this option when you finish a long rest.

Magic is a force, a material. You can push it, pull it, twist it, weave it. You can feel it, if you try. I know that more than ever, now. 

See you next week!

Let's make this medallion together! Come hang out with me live on Picarto right now as we illustrate this new magic item!


See you there!

Let's make something for a sorcerer! These are just ideas, and their finer mechanics can be revised during the livestream and during the balancing process.

I'll be updating this post just before 7:30pm EST tonight with the exclusive Picarto link to the stream. You should get an email alerting you to the change! Picarto has, so far, been a more reliable host for streaming. You don't even need an account to participate in chat!  Come hang out!


  • Meta Medallion — An arcane medallion made of strange metal that expands your understanding of metamagic. While wearing the medallion, you know 1 extra metamagic option and can change that option daily at dawn.
  • Sorcerer's Slippers — Extravagant, comfortable shoes that can change the way you move. You can expend a number of sorcery points to give yourself an increased walking speed, a burrow speed, or flying speed that lasts until the start of your next turn.
  • Sorcery Scepter — A staff inlaid with four large, dark gems that swirl with a white smoke. Each gem contains a charge, and 1d2 gems regain a charge daily a dawn. You can expend any number of charges as a bonus action to regain that number of sorcery points.

See you tonight! These are fun options!


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