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Hey Heroes!  Meet Hawkren, a powerful wizard and disciple of Dendallen!

Personality Traits.  Hawkren is cruel and focused, and used to teach at a prestigious academy before turning to necromancy. He is a disciple of Dendallen, a powerful necromancer, and seeks to gain power by quashing others’. He likes to gloat and takes pride in belittling and punishing others. 

Ideals. Power. At any cost.

Fears. My peers are my greatest threat. I must always know their intentions so I can succeed.

Quirks. Enjoys the taste of blood.

Secret. Hawkren is plagued by nightmares he’s certain will come true. He wets the bed 1d8 - 1 nights each week and kills anyone who discovers it.

d6 Magic item

1 Toadstone 

2 Spellwoven Robes 

3 Dagger of the Ogre Mage 

4 Eye of Dendallen 

5 Greaves of Dendallen 

6 Bloodmage Dagger 



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